Devanand Samaddar-Author Life and Finance Coach

Tips & Tricks

The Role of a Financial Planner: Understanding Their Services and Finding the Right Fit

Discover the significance of financial planners and their part in assisting people and organisations with accomplishing their financial  objectives. Figure out how to find a solid financial planner custom fitted to your necessities, guaranteeing a protected financial  future. Overseeing individual budgets can be a mind boggling task, requiring master direction to explore the complexities of […]

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8 Tax Tips for Small Business Owners: Maximising Savings and Compliance

As an entrepreneur, understanding and dealing with your expenses is urgent for the monetary wellbeing and outcome of your endeavour. While expenses can be perplexing and tedious, executing viable assessment methodologies can assist you expand investment funds and guarantee consistent with the law. In this article, we will give eight significant duty tips explicitly custom-made

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10 Effective Ways to Boost Your Financial Health Today

Ten reasonable procedures to improve your monetary prosperity and accomplish long haul steadiness. Investigate planning, obligation to the board, reserve funds, ventures, and more in this thorough manual for supporting your monetary wellbeing today. Begin your excursion towards monetary strengthening now! Advancing your monetary circumstance is an indispensable step towards a solid and satisfying life.

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10 Reasons Why Life Insurance Is a Smart Investment?

Discover the reason why extra security is a brilliant venture decision with long haul benefits. From monetary security for friends and family to burden benefits and resource security, investigate the convincing motivations to think about life coverage as a component of your monetary procedure. Is it true that you are thinking about life coverage yet

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14 Money Tips Everyone Wishes They Knew Sooner

Discover 14 priceless cash tips that can change your monetary life. Figure out how to plan really, save for crises, live beneath your means, from there, the sky’s the limit. Begin fabricating a strong monetary establishment today! Dealing with your cash carefully is an expertise that can significantly affect your life. Tragically, many individuals just

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15 Best Budgeting Apps in 2023: Manage Your Finances with Ease

Discover the top 15 budgeting apps of 2023 that will revolutionise the way you handle your finances. From expense tracking to personalised financial advice, these apps offer the perfect solution for effective money management. In today’s digital age, budgeting apps have become essential tools for individuals seeking to manage their finances effectively. With a plethora

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Achieving Financial Freedom: Your Path to a Life of Abundance

Discover viable procedures and fundamental standards to accomplish independence from the rat race in this extensive aid. Figure out how to lay out financial  objectives, make a financial plan, kill obligation, contribute shrewdly, and increment your pay for an existence of overflow and genuine serenity. In the present high speed world, accomplishing independence from the

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14 Essential Tips to Afford College without Student Loans!

Discover 14 fundamental tips to manage the cost of school without depending on educational loans. From grants and awards to planning and elective training choices, this article gives noteworthy systems to lighten the weight of educational loan obligation. Is it true that you are looking for ways of paying for school without assuming unreasonable understudy

14 Essential Tips to Afford College without Student Loans! Read More »

Tax Considerations for Retirees: How to Maximise Savings and Minimise Liabilities

Discover essential tax considerations for retirees to maximise savings and minimise liabilities. Explore strategies for optimising retirement income sources, tax-efficient investments, and available deductions and credits. Retirement brings both new opportunities and financial challenges. For retirees, understanding the tax implications of various income sources, investment strategies, and deductions is crucial. By leveraging tax knowledge, retirees

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The Power of Compound Interest: How to Make Your Money Work for You

Discover the staggering capability of accumulated dividends and figure out how to bring in your cash work for you. Investigate useful procedures to saddle the force of compounding and accomplish your drawn out monetary objectives. In the domain of individual accounting, there exists an idea that holds huge influence and potential for abundance creation: build

The Power of Compound Interest: How to Make Your Money Work for You Read More »

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